Monday, August 22, 2016

Be Ready for School with School Lunch

School starts soon and that means your child will bring home many papers to fill out.   Make sure to fill out the Free and Reduced Meal forms that are in your packet!  Free and reduced meal forms help to cut your food budget and the amount that your child pays for school breakfast and lunch.  Check your school's website for an application if you do not get one in your back to school packet.  Do you have questions about completing the Free and Reduced Meal forms, check our previous blog for many questions and answers on the forms.   

If your child packs a lunch for school, while you’re out shopping for school supplies, browse the grocery aisles and consider what you’re packing for your child’s lunches. The trend of preparing meals ahead of time offers a stress free way to send your kids to school with a healthy lunch. You can use reusable air-tight plastic packaging to store snack or meal components such as:

  • Celery and hummus
  • Apples and peanut butter
  • Low-fat yogurt
  • Cooked or raw vegetables
  • Veggie Bean Wraps

Many other foods can be packed as well, get creative! Lunches can be prepared each night or at the end of the weekend to be eaten the next week. Packed lunches that include all MyPlate items are healthy and less expensive than other food choices. They also allow you to make sure your child is eating well when they are away from home.

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