Early summer is such a great time in Maryland. We grow many kinds of berries throughout the state and June is when most of them are perfect for picking. Berries have been called “nature’s candy” because of their sweetness, but berries are so much healthier for us than candy!
What kinds of berries?
Strawberries often start to ripen in late May and many farmers’ markets sell these yummy berries throughout early June. You might find a pick-your-own strawberry farm, too. Make this a family outing and let the children see how and where strawberries grow. Take time to ask your children to find the seeds on strawberries. Strawberries are the only fruit with their seeds on the outside! Slice up strawberries to add color and flavor to breakfasts and snacks.
Blueberries and raspberries are usually ready to pick in June and may be available through August. Sprinkle blueberries or raspberries onto fresh garden salads for a tasty burst of flavor. Make up homemade blueberry muffins for a healthy breakfast on the go.
Blackberries are the latest berries to ripen in Maryland. Many children have not tried blackberries, so have some fun with these delicious berries. Mix rinsed blackberries with sliced peaches for a tasty treat or just pop them into your mouth.
What if we can’t eat them right away?
Berries freeze nicely, so stock up on them when they are in season. Just rinse them, shaking off the water. Spread them flat on a pan and freeze them. Once they are frozen, move them into a zipper freezer bag for later use. Frozen berries that have been thawed work really well for baking and making sauces. Use frozen berries to make smoothies throughout the year!
Berries are just an absolute delight, thanks for posting this friend, i really enjoyed this. Easily one of my favourite fruits of all. wonderuful post and keep it up dude.