Thursday, December 24, 2020

Warm up With Some Giggles, Wiggles, and Learning - With a Good Book!

After you bundle up and enjoy getting outside with your family for some physical activity, it is always nice to come indoors and read a book together. Reading is a wonderful way to learn something new and spend time with your child. You can read to them, have them practice reading to you, or listen to someone else read with a read-aloud. A book on CD in the car is also a great idea! Everyone loves to listen to a story. A comfortable spot to sit and a good book, whether a hard copy or online, is all you need.

Reading together is a great opportunity to teach your child about healthy eating and the benefits of being physically active. You do not need to present nutrition facts and exercise instruction, just read the book together and enjoy it. Your child will absorb the message and be happy to spend time with you. 

Add one or two of the fruits or vegetables you read about to a snack or meal to tie in to the story and make mealtime fun. Look for new recipes on the Eat Smart, Be Fit Maryland recipe search if you need ideas. Try one of the physical activity ideas from the books to keep the whole family’s energy up.

There are lots of books available at your public library to borrow for free, even during the pandemic. Reach out to your librarian for help. Here are some fabulous books that you might want to try reading:

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