As the weather becomes colder, and the daylight shorter, we may need to be a little creative to stay active! There are many benefits associated with simply moving your body, which include: weight management, increasing energy, relieving stress, reducing tension, and improving blood circulation. This year may be a bit different with COVID-19 affecting everyday life. However, there still other ways to remain physically active, here are some suggestions:
Stretching- Try following a yoga video in the comfort of your home for 20 minutes. Try this yoga video with your child:
Dance Party- Invite each family member to choose a song and have a dance challenge. Who has the best moves?
Family Snowball Toss- Everyone picks teams. Using balled up socks to create snowballs. Stack plastic cups for “snowmen”. How many “snowmen” can you knock down?
Indoor Bowling- Line up empty water bottles, and use soft balls to create your own bowling alley. Great activity for the family!
Twister- Use twister as a fun way to stretch and move your body. This game is great for young children as they work on learning their colors and shapes.
Take a Walk- Bundle up! Grab a coat, gloves, and scarf; take a 20-30-minute to walk outside. Play “follow the leader” or “I spy” with the family, while you walk!
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