Monday, November 9, 2020

Mealtime Conversations with Your Family


Try one of these recipes at your next family meal!

Apple Cranberry Salad Toss
Broccoli Baked Potatoes
Chicken & Kale Casserole
Baked Fish with Tomatoes, Greens & Mushrooms

Any mealtime is family time.
It is a great opportunity to catch up with your family. Parents and children practice listening and sharing. Each family member can take a turn. All meals can be a great time to connect–breakfast, lunch, dinner–or even while sharing a snack or preparing a meal. 

Focus on the food and the people. This is a great time to put away electronic devices and turn off all screens. Use mealtime as a time to connect without the distractions caused by phones, video games, and other gadgets.

It might take a little practice. It will be worth the effort as you connect with one another and strengthen your bonds. If you have time for one or one or two meals per week, that’s great! Begin there and set a goal to add more as you are able.  Start by asking open-ended questions (questions that require more than a yes or no answer). Try to keep the questions positive, and the responses uplifting. 

Here are some questions to get you started:

  • What was the most interesting thing that happened today?
  • What is your favorite part of this meal?
  • What is your favorite meal we make at home? Are there any new foods you’d like to try?
  • If you could have any superpower, what would you have and why?
  • What makes somebody a good friend? Have you been a good friend recently?
  • What are you looking forward to this week? Why?
  • Pretend you are an adult in the family. What new rule would you make and why?
  • Name something you would like to learn to do.
  • What is your favorite sport to play? What is your favorite sport to watch? Why?


There are many benefits to eating family meals together. Adults can use these opportunities to role model healthy and positive behaviors, and share values that are important to your family. Children can practice positive behaviors and become more open to trying new foods. Family meals also showcase the importance of eating a variety of foods to be healthy and strong. Best of all, the entire family can unwind and create lasting memories.

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